The Dune
4 BEDROOMS •  4.5-5.5 BATHS • 2,666-4,082 SQ FT

Primary Suites on Both 1st and 2nd Floors

*For Marketing Purposes Only. Home locations and floorplan styles subject to change by developer without prior notice


3 Bedrooms
3.5 Baths
2,826 Sq Ft
Open Concept First Floor Living

The Atlantic

4 Bedrooms
3-4 Baths
2,042-3,169 Sq Ft
Flexible First Floor Living

The Breeze

4 Bedrooms
3-4 Baths
2,102-3,229 Sq Ft
Flexible First Floor Living

The Captain

4 Bedrooms
4.5-5.5 Baths
2,589-3,985 Sq Ft
Primary Suites on Both
1st and 2nd Floors

The Dune

4 Bedrooms
4.5-5.5 Baths
2,666-4,082 Sq Ft
Primary Suites on Both
1st and 2nd Floors

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